Earn CEUs

Earn CEUs

AFAA/NASM workshops can be hosted at your fitness facility.  If you own, operate or are affiliated with a facility that would like to offer instructor training, please contact me to schedule.  AFAA and  NASM credits will be awarded.

Group Ex Instructor Workshop:


This supplemental in-person, 1-day workshop focuses on the practical application of group fitness leadership techniques. A complement to the Group Ex Instructor Certification, this one-day event will help you practice your skills and develop confidence for leading freestyle or pre-designed classes. Please note the certification exam is not included in the workshop.

Topics Include:

• Leadership & professional responsibilities
• Class formatting & program design
• Basic anatomy, exercise evaluation & modification
• Safe & effective warm-ups & cool-downs
• Group training modalities
• Cueing methods
• Music selection & usage


Group Resistance Training:


Group strength training has evolved to include a wide variety of class formats, workloads, training techniques and conditioning goals. This in-person workshop will focus on: program design, exercise sequencing, training variables, exercise science, use of various equipment and practical skills needed to design effective and well-balanced Group Resistance Training classes.


Perinatal Fitness:


In this workshop, you will learn about perinatal factors, including: fetal growth and development, labor and delivery, obstetrical complications, physiology of pregnancy, hormonal changes, cardiorespiratory changes, and metabolic and endocrine factors. You’ll also learn about nutritional needs, risk factors, relative and absolute contraindications, warning signs, and symptoms.
